Year 2

                                            People Who Help Us

                                      The Tunnel

                              Autumn Term – 1st Half




Class Teacher – Miss Kate Leah                 

Class Teaching Assistants –  Mrs O and Mrs O’Shea                                                                                     

This half term our focus will be on the people who help us. Below is a brief account of what we shall be covering and some important information for the rest of the term.



We will begin by creating our own versions of the ‘The Tunnel’ story and changing the characters and the setting. We will then finish the half term with some poetry.

We continue to have a reading lesson on a Friday where we focus on our fiction and non fiction books. In these sessions we concentrate on retrieving information.

Your child will continue to attend phonic (RWInc) sessions everyday and will read with an adult at school every week. Please continue to read with your child as much as possible at home. The expectation in Year 2 is that the children will read for at least fifteen minutes every night.

A spelling sheet is also attached but if you need another one, please just ask. The children have an informal test every Friday so please practice these words at home too. A mark sheet will come home every week so you know how your child has got on with the spellings.



We will begin the half term by focusing on Place Value. We will look at how many tens and ones make up a number and compare them using the more than/less than and equal to signs.


We will then move onto addition and subtraction and continue counting in steps of two, five and ten.


Every Friday the children will continue to have a ’99 Club’ session as part of their maths lesson. The children have ten minutes to work their way through a variety of number sentences. The club begins on ’11 Club’ and then makes it’s way up through the levels as and when they complete the club.

11 Club – 11 questions involving addition within 10 and doubling numbers from one to ten

22 Club  22 questions involving repeated addition of numbers from one to ten

33 Club – 33 questions introducing the 2x, 3x, 5x and 10x tables

44 Club – 44 questions adding the 1x, 4x and 6x tables

55 Club – 55 questions adding the 7x and 8x tables

66 Club – 66 questions adding the 9x, 11x and 12x tables

77 Club – 77 questions consisting of inverse division facts

88 Club – 88 questions of mixed multiplication and division facts

99 Club – 99 questions of mixed multiplication and division facts


The children will receive a certificate when they have competed a club so that you are aware of which club they are working in. Please remind the children that they are only in competition with themselves and not anyone else.  Please keep up the practice at home as being able to compete mental calculations quickly can really help children with many aspects of their math’s work. Any questions please ask.



This half term we will be looking at living things, including humans. We will learn how humans grow and develop and what we need to do to stay healthy. If any of you work within the medical profession we would love to book in a Google Chat with you so that we can interview you and find out more about your job. Please send me a Class Dojo message or give me a ring at the school to arrange.

Y2 Science – Autumn 1st Half Knowledge Organiser


We will look at the significant lives of Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale and Edith Cavell. We will learn how they influenced nursing and how they cared for soldiers during certain wars.

Y2 History Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser


We will look at different patterns in our environments and create our own graffiti based upon ‘The Tunnel’ book.



PE will be on Monday’s and Fridays. The children do not need to wear their school uniform on these days and can come into school already dressed in their PE kits. This half terms units are Mighty Movers and Ugly Bug Ball.



This half term we will begin to look at Muslim’s and how they worship Allah.



This half terms unit is ‘We are Game Testers’. We will look at different games on Scratch and the algorithms they use to be played.



At Lanner we use a program called LifeWise, which covers all areas of the curriculum. This half terms units are ‘It’s ok not to be ok’ and ‘Happiness and Anger’.



This half terms work will be based upon the song ‘Hand, Feet, Heart’ where we will look at different beats.

Year 2 Homework Grid – Autumn

Please use Class Dojo to contact me and I will do my very best to respond to you on the same day.


I am really looking forward to working with your child this year!










Miss Kate Leah

Miss Kate Leah


Year 2 Curriculum Overview


Year 2 Maths Vocabulary

We love reading at Lanner!  Reading to, and with, your child is one of the greatest gifts you can give as this early acquisition of a love for reading will ensure your children becomes a reader for life.  Research shows that reading and talking to your child about stories, information books and poems from an early age benefits them for life.

Sometimes, knowing which book to choose can be a little confusing with such a wide range available, so why not have a look at the recommended reads below for Year 2 children.  Many of these books are also available at the local library so, if you’re not already a member, why not take a look at the link below to join up?