Year 6


Year 6 class is taught by Mrs Claire Merrifield and

Mrs Caroline Dinham (Friday only)

Teaching and learning is supported by Mrs R Cuttler



Summer 1 2024

This half term, let’s take the journey back to Ancient Greece as we begin to explore how the Greeks- almost four thousand years ago- still influence the way we live today.


Reading will be taught daily through our core texts (‘Greek Myths’ by Ann Turnbull and ‘Mythologica’ by Steve Kershaw and Victoria Topping). Children will develop their comprehension skills by retrieving and inferring information from a range of texts. Pupils will discuss themes and explore new vocabulary.

Writing: Each day, they will immerse themselves in an English lesson, examining and learning about the following genres: narrative writing (myths), explanation, and balanced arguments.

We begin examining the myths ‘Daedalus and Icarus’ and ‘Demeter and Persephone’. The children will then innovate and write a myth of their own. Our explanation unit will focus of analysing features of this genre around the general topic of Ancient Greek influences. The children will then research into how Greek democracy influences society today. Finally, the children will revisit balanced arguments. We will hold a debate on whether the Athenians or Spartans will best and follow this up by writing their own balanced arguments.


As mathematicians, we will be learning and applying a wide range of maths skills, including revisiting the four written and mental calculation method during our daily ‘fluent in 5’ sessions.

For the first half of term, we’ll focus on statics and then move onto Geometry: Properties of Shapes. Following that, the Year 6 will immerse themselves in exciting, themed problem-solving projects. The main aim will be to revisit, recap and review prior learning to ensure they have firm foundations for secondary school and continue their love of maths!



In History, children will build on their prior learning of Ancient Civilizations (Y4 Ancient Egyptians and Y5 Ancient Islamic Civilization) and will study the Ancient Greeks. They will research and explore their lives, achievements and their influence on the western world.

Through an enquiry approach, we will identify and explain elements of Ancient Greek culture which are still evident today e.g. Olympics, democracy, theatre, religion in detail. The pupils will order significant events, movements and dates on a timeline and note connections, contrasts and trends over time.


Our science topic will be heavily focused on scientific enquiry skills in conjunction with investigating the famous principles by Hippocrates and Archimedes.  The lessons are sequenced in small steps and by the end of the unit, all children should be able to achieve the following objectives.

  •          We are learning to interpret data by identifying patterns.
  •          We are learning to understand Archimedes’ principle of water displacement.
  •          We are learning to ask relevant questions and suggest enquiry methods.
  •          We are learning to plan an enquiry.
  •          We are learning to conduct an investigation and record results.
  •          We are learning to analyse and conclude a scientific enquiry.



In art, to improve their mastery of art and design techniques, the children we will explore sculpture. They will learn to produce intricate sculptures and textures in a malleable media (using clay with a wire frame).  As part of this unit we will analyse the famous sculpture, “Discobolus” (discus thrower), created by Athenian sculptor ‘Myron’. Finally the children will evaluate and analyse their creative works using the language of art, craft and design.

 Religious Education

During our RE sessions, we’ll be thinking about ‘Creation and Science: conflicting or complementary?

We will enable pupils to achieve these outcomes:

Make sense of belief:

  • Identify what type of text some Christians say Genesis 1 is, and its purpose.
  • Taking account of the context, suggest what Genesis 1 might mean, and compare their ideas with ways in which Christians interpret it, showing awareness of different interpretations.

Understand the impact:

  • Make clear connections between Genesis 1 and Christian belief about God as Creator.
  • Show understanding of why many Christians find science and faith go together.

Make connections:

  • Identify key ideas arising from their study of Genesis 1 and comment on how far these are helpful or inspiring, justifying their responses.
  • Weigh up how far the Genesis 1 creation narrative is in conflict, or is complementary, with a scientific account, giving good reasons for their views.




‘We are architects’ is our topic this half term.  Can you use the web to find out about virtual art galleries?

By the end of the unit, most pupils will be able to achieve the following statements:



Our first PE topic will be Young Olympians! The children will investigate running styles and changes of speed, throwing with power and accuracy (safely and with understanding) in a competitive situation (Mondays).

Our second PE topic will be  Cricket which hopefully, we can enjoy at the field if the weather stays dry.


Home learning

Remember goes out and should be returned every Wednesday (bonus team points for an early return)!

In year 6, as well as completing weekly maths/ grammar homework, we still expect children to read at home most nights for 25 – 30 minutes either to themselves or with an adult. This could be their school Accelerated Reader book, listening to a story read by someone else or sharing a favourite book. All are equally valuable. Talking about what they have read is also vital to help develop comprehension skills. This is particularly beneficial to the children when completing their Accelerated Reader quizzes.  All children have a reading record book in which parents, carers or the children themselves can record what they have read or make any comments.

In addition, children all have access to Times Tables Rockstars, and Spelling Shed – online sites for practising their weekly times tables and weekly spellings.   Please encourage your child to learn their spellings and times tables regularly – five or ten minutes a day is more beneficial than an hour once a week.


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

Many thanks for all your continued support.