Year 4


This matrix shows the learning in Y4 across all subjects.


Summer Term 1

Year 4 is taught by Mrs Walters on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Mrs Dinham, our school SENDCo, teaches the class on a Monday. The TAs who work in Year 4 are Miss Law and Miss Roberts.


Our class text, on which our daily reading sessions are based, is ‘Secrets of a Sun King’ by Emma Carroll. We begin each week by learning the definitions of new vocabulary coming up in the text and recap on these each day. We then read the text together and work on a range of tasks focussing on author choice, vocabulary, compare, contrast and comment, retrieval, inference, summary and prediction.

We also read a non fiction text weekly and use our skills to retrieve information from it. This half term, our non fiction text is ‘The story of Tutankhamun’ by Patricia Cleveland Peck.


We will be writing biographies of Howard Carter and Tutankhamun and an explanation of how the Ancient Egyptians mummified their dead. We’ll be reading classic poetry too.



We will continue to learn about decimals and then relate this to money. We will recap on telling the time and learn how to tell the time to the minute on digital and analogue clocks.


We will be learning key facts about the Ancient Egyptians and learning about their achievements, which still influence us today.


We will be learning where Egypt is and what it is like.


We will be continuing to learn about internet safety and writing a blog.


We will be creating Ancient Egyptian style portraits and studying the artist Gustav Klimt.


We’ll be learning about how sound is made.


Each week, we will be enjoying 2 PE sessions: gymfit circuits on a Tuesday and ‘Step to the Beat’ on a Thursday. Please make sure your child wears a full PE kit on these days.


We will be asking when Jesus left, what was the impact of the Pentecost?


Our French unit this half term is ‘Ou habites tu?’


We’ll be listening to and comparing music by the The Beatles and learning to sing ‘Blackbird’.

It is our aim that every child in Year 4 has a great year. Please come and see us if you have any questions or concerns.

How you can help

It is expected that all children read at home for at least 15 minutes please. Please ensure they bring in their book and reading diary every day.

All children should be practising their times table skills regularly on TTRockstars please, alongside practising the ‘format’ of the online times table assessment in June. This can be found at:

This is particularly important this year as, in June, the children undertake an assessment of all tables up to 12X12.

‘Maths whizz’ can also be used to practise maths skills at home; your child’s log in is stuck in their reading diary.

Thank you for your support- it really makes a difference!

More on reading

We love reading at Lanner!  Reading to, and with, your child is one of the greatest gifts you can give as this early acquisition of a love for reading will ensure your children becomes a reader for life.  Research shows that reading and talking to your child about stories, information books and poems from an early age benefits them for life.

Sometimes, knowing which book to choose can be a little confusing with such a wide range available, so why not have a look at the recommended reads below for Year 4 children.  Many of these books are also available at the local library so, if you’re not already a member, why not take a look at the link below to join up?