Year 1

Autumn 1

To start our Year 1 journey, we are using the two books shown above to help inspire our curriculum and learning. Our fiction book is Supertato by Sue Hendra. Our non-fiction book is all about Amelia Earhart.

Here are some of the other amazing books by Sue Hendra, why not give them a try?

In English we will being using these books to build our writing skills. We will use talk for writing to learn the story and create our own actions to help us retell the story. We will need to keep a close eye out The Evil Pea as he is known for causing trouble and we will create wanted posters to help catch him! For our non-fiction writing we will be creating a fact file about Amelia Earhart.
In addition we will be doing weekly reading lessons where we will predict, sequence, inference and retrieve information. Each week we will also explore different vocabulary that has comes from our story and books.

In Maths, we will be exploring place value to 10 and addition and subtraction within 10. We will be exploring these areas of learning as practically as possible, using lots of maths resources to show our understanding. We will also be doing lots of work on how to form our numbers and record in our books.

This half term our focus is History. We will be exploring the history of Amelia Earhart, what it was like to live in her era, recording and placing dates in order and recognise what her achievements were and why they are important to history.

In Science, we will be exploring materials. We will start with identifying what materials and the name of the materials. We will then use this knowledge and identify different materials in our surrounding and whether objects are made from more than one material. We will also look at different objects and decide whether they are shiny or dull or whether they are soft or hard.

Our Art is looking at superheroes, what they have and their different features. We will then be drawing our own superhero using a step-by-step guide, ensuring we have all the features we need. We will then add to our drawing by painting it with clear, bold colours and create our own background that we can cut and stick our superhero onto.

In RE, we will be exploring Christianity and learning all about the creation story. We will start off with understanding creation as a whole. We will then move on to the creation story where we will sequence the story and understand what was created on each day. We will also look at harvest and recognise what happens during this time.

In Computing, we will be using the iPads and an app called popplets. We will work in small groups to create a mind map about a chosen superhero.

In Music, we will explore a song called ‘Hey You’. We will learn what pulse is and understand how each song has a pulse. By the end of the unit, we will have learnt the song and be able to sign along to it too.

We will be doing both indoor and outdoor PE lessons each week. In our indoor PE lessons we will understand how to prepare the body for exercise and what fitness means. In our outdoor lessons we will be exploring balancing and how to travel in different ways.

P.E. days continue to be on Mondays and Fridays, although this can sometimes change, so please ensure you are signed up to Class Dojo as any changes will be announced there.

The children will continue to change their books daily. They will then receive a RWI book on a Friday. Please ensure your child brings their books and reading records in every day and you are reading as much as possible at home, including books of your own. Don’t forget about our reading challenges and badges to collect!


Please try to complete activities from the learning grid. This will help to continue to develop the children’s thinking. There are lots of fun and creative activities that you can share with your children and follow the theme of our class topic.

Home Learning Grid Autumn 1

Please read with your child every day, even if it is the same book.

Spellings – please practice the year 1 common exception word spellings whenever possible, a few at a time. These need to be learnt by the end of year 1.

Mental maths – use times in the car and any spare 5 minutes to practice mental maths with your child. This could be adding, subtracting, finding more than or less than etc. ‘White Rose 1 Minute Maths’ in a fantastic app to download!

We love reading at Lanner!  Reading to, and with, your child is one of the greatest gifts you can give as this early acquisition of a love for reading will ensure your children becomes a reader for life.  Research shows that reading and talking to your child about stories, information books and poems from an early age benefits them for life.

Sometimes, knowing which book to choose can be a little confusing with such a wide range available, so why not have a look at the recommended reads below for Year 1 children.  Many of these books are also available at the local library so, if you’re not already a member, why not take a look at the link below to join up?