Mental Health & Wellbeing Support

We have collected together a number of useful links to support mental health and well being within your family.
If you still haven’t found what you need and you are still concerned, please don’t hesitate to get in touch, there is so much we can do as a school to help you and your child.
Caroline Dinham
Special Educational Needs Coordinator
01209 216 346
Anna Freud – National Centre for Children & Families
An excellent website offering advice and guidance for parents to support a child or young person experiencing poor mental health or well-being.
7 Ways to Support Children & Young People who are Worried.
An excellent resource from the Anna Freud website on how to support children and young people who may be experiencing anxiety.
Talking about Mental Health with Your Child
An excellent resource providing tips on how we can help children express their feelings, respond appropriately, and prevent small problems from snowballing into bigger ones.
Self Care for Parents & Carers

It can often be easy to forget about your own well being needs. This is an excellent resource which will help you to factor in regular time or activities for yourself and will hopefully allow you to enjoy the good moments in life more and to find strength during difficult times.Click Here

Local Help
Help for mental health and well being can also be accessed from the following local providers.
Care & Support in Cornwall
Details of support available in Cornwall for emotional wellbeing
Early Help Hub (EHH)

The  Early Help is the “front door” to the early help services that are available in Cornwall. Staff within the Early Help Hub will decide whether the child / young person is eligible for support and which service is most appropriate.

A Early Help referral can be done by parents / carer or through Caroline Dinham, our SENCO.

Click Here

Penhaligon’s Friends – Bereavement Support

A Cornish charity supporting bereaved children, young people, parents and carers throughout the county. They offer children and young people the chance to meet others and share their experiences, as well as practical resources for children and parents.

Click Here