Year 2

Fantastic Mr Fox – Animals

Year 2 – Summer Term – 2nd Half




Class Teacher – Miss Kate Leah                 

Class Teaching Assistants –  Mrs O and Mrs O’Shea                                                                                     

This half term our focus will be on Fantastic Mr Fox by Roald Dahl and learning about animals. Below is a brief account of what we shall be covering and some important information for the rest of the term.



We will begin by creating our own  wanted posters and also create a debate of why fox hunting should be banned or not. Once we have been on our trip to Feadon Farm we will then write a recount of our visit.

A spelling sheet went home at the end of last half term but if you need another one, please just ask. The children are tested every Friday.



We will begin the half term by completing our work on Time before moving onto Statistics and  Position and Direction.

The children continue enjoy the challenge of 99 Club and trying to better their score each week. Please continue to keep up the practice at home as being able to compete mental calculations quickly can really help children with many aspects of their math’s work. Any questions please ask.



This half term we will be looking at nocturnal animals and their habitats. We will learn about their food chains and what all living things need to stay alive.

Y2 Science Knowledge Organiser


We will look at the continent of Antarctica and compare to our early work in the year on Africa. We will learn why some animals can survive there and how they have adapted to their environment.

Y2 Geography Knowledge Organiser


Textiles – We will design and make our own finger puppet of a fox. We will learn how to thread needles and create stitches.


PE days will continue to be on Monday and Friday’s so the children can wear their PE kits in on these days. Our focus this half term are Throwing and Catching and Core Strength.



This half term we will look at how we belong to different groups. We will look at the Christain ceremonies of marriage and baptism and make comparisons to Judasim and Hinduism.



This half term we will focus on ‘Making Relationships and Feelings’ We will explore feelings within the context of our important relationships including family and friends. We also aim to develop knowledge, understanding and skills in three key social and emotional aspects of learning: self-awareness, managing feelings and empathy.



This half term we will learn how to use ‘Scratch Junior’ and how to create a set of instructions to get Sprite to move.


Attached are some homework tasks that you may want to complete with your child. Please send them in so they can be shared with the class.

Year 2 Homework Grid – summer 2

Many thanks for all of your support this year. I am very sad that the year is almost coming to the end and that this is my last half term with your children! If you have any queries or questions then please do not hesitate to come and speak with me or drop me a message on Class Dojo


Miss Kate Leah

Miss Kate Leah


Year 2 Curriculum Overview


Year 2 Maths Vocabulary

We love reading at Lanner!  Reading to, and with, your child is one of the greatest gifts you can give as this early acquisition of a love for reading will ensure your children becomes a reader for life.  Research shows that reading and talking to your child about stories, information books and poems from an early age benefits them for life.

Sometimes, knowing which book to choose can be a little confusing with such a wide range available, so why not have a look at the recommended reads below for Year 2 children.  Many of these books are also available at the local library so, if you’re not already a member, why not take a look at the link below to join up?