Year 1
Spring 1
In Spring 1, Year 1 will be exploring the topic Traditional.
Our fiction book is The Three Little Pigs by Saviour Pirotta.
Other books to explore by Saviour Pirotta include:
Greek Myths, The Unicorn Prince, The stolen spear and many more!
Our Non-fiction book is We build our homes by Laura Knowles.
Other books to explore by Laura Knowles include:
We Travel So Far, Once Upon a Jungle, The Coral Kingdom and many more!
We will be using these two books throughout our curriculum.
In our English lessons we will be exploring a variety of writing activities with a main focus upon writing an innovated version of The Three Little Pigs and a non-fiction fact file. As well as this w will continue to explore adjectives, infer thoughts and feelings, retrieve information, sequence stories, predict what might happen next and much more!
In maths we will start addition and subtraction within 20. We will be building on our prior knowledge and apply this within 20. We will explore new ways of solving problems and continue to build on our reasoning and problem solving. Towards to end of the half term we will be moving on to place value within 50 where we will identify what numbers are made up of, counting forwards and backwards, comparing numbers and number patterns.
Our PE lessons will be on a Monday and a Friday. Throughout these lessons we will be understanding how to develop foot patterns which will develop into skipping. Then we will move on to improving our agility co-ordination and balance. For our indoor PE we will be exploring movement actions and control, how to link movement together to make them flow, different gymnastic actions and shapes, how to travel on benches and how to explore movement actions with control, and to link them with control.
We will be continuing with a Geography focus this half term where we will continue to explore the world but with a greater focus on our Local area. We will begin to explore human and physical features around us, identify where we live, devise a map and use the map to get to a destination. We will also name, locate and identify the four countries of the UK and name the 5 oceans in the world.
During our Science lessons we will begin by looking at the season Winter and identify features of the season. We will look at identifying and naming a variety of common animals including fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. We will also describe and compare the structure of a variety of common animals.
This half term we will be doing a mixture of art and DT. In art we will explore pattern and using Orla Kiely as inspiration. We will create our own mono-print pattern. Then in DT we will explore structural buildings and create a home for one of the Three Little Pigs.
In RE we will continue to explore Christianity. We will look at understanding and identifying how and why Christian’s love and respect God. We will also explore the story of The Lost Son to help us learn and understand the beliefs.
Our PSHE lessons will be a lot discussion and where possible practical based activities. We will talk and understand different ways of being mindful, how to communicate and how to solve problems.
Children will need to change their own books daily or when they have finished their books. We recommend that children read their books a few times over to help build and increase on their fluency.
We will have a reading challenge which will be used to encourage children reading at home and promote a love for reading too. Please refer to dojo for further details.
Please ensure your child has a water bottle everyday which is labelled with their name, clearly.
Please check class dojo for any new posts to inform you of changes to the week or any new messages.
Please try to complete activities from the learning grid. This will help to continue to develop the children’s thinking. There are lots of fun and creative activities that you can share with your children and follow the theme of our class topic.
Please read with your child every day, even if it is the same book.
Spellings – please practice the year 1 common exception word spellings whenever possible, a few at a time. These need to be learnt by the end of year 1.
Mental maths – use times in the car and any spare 5 minutes to practice mental maths with your child. This could be adding, subtracting, finding more than or less than etc. ‘White Rose 1 Minute Maths’ in a fantastic app to download!
We love reading at Lanner! Reading to, and with, your child is one of the greatest gifts you can give as this early acquisition of a love for reading will ensure your children becomes a reader for life. Research shows that reading and talking to your child about stories, information books and poems from an early age benefits them for life.
Sometimes, knowing which book to choose can be a little confusing with such a wide range available, so why not have a look at the recommended reads below for Year 1 children. Many of these books are also available at the local library so, if you’re not already a member, why not take a look at the link below to join up?