Year 6

White Fang

Year 6 class is taught by Mrs Claire Merrifield and

Mrs Caroline Dinham (Friday only)

Teaching and learning is supported by Mrs R Cuttler



Y6 Lanner Matrix 1 overview (1)


Spring 2 2025

This half term, let’s take a tour of North America as we begin to track the journey of White Fang (part-dog and part-wolf, and the lone survivor of his family) written by American author, Jack London. Published in 1906, this book is set in Santa Clara Valley and the Yukon, c. 1896–99.



Reading will be taught daily through our core text and each day they will immerse themselves in an English lesson examining and learning about the following genres: non-chronological reports, balanced argument, rap poetry and explanation texts.

We begin by exploring cheetah and owl non- chronological reports and innovate an independent report on wolves. Our balanced argument genre will cover debates on zoos and selective breeding.  Rap poetry will begin with investigating where rap music originated. They children will then look at beats and rhythm and write their own raps for performance. Finally, our explanation unit will focus of analysing features of this genre around the topic of domesticating a dog.


As mathematicians, we will be learning and applying a wide range of maths skills, including revisiting the four written and mental calculation method during our daily ‘fluent in 5’ sessions.

For the large majority of term, we’ll focus on ‘measure’. We will begin to use and convert metric units in week 1, then covert imperial units. Next, we’ll begin investigating perimeter, area and volume. This will lead into lots of problem solving and challenges. Towards the middle of term we will explore ratio and have some real- life hands on challenges… this is always lots of fun! We will finish the term with statistics; calculating mean and mode averages.



In geography, we will study North America.  We will use our ‘White Fang’ novel to launch us into North America itself.  We will explore, compare and contrast climate zones, biomes and vegetation belts geographical terminology to describe the location and characteristics of a range of places across the Americas.



Our science topic will be ‘Living Things and their Habitats’.  The lessons are sequenced in small steps and by the end of the unit, all children should be able to achieve the following statements:

  • Sort and group animals based on their features, using examples as a guide.
  • Describe Carl Linnaeus and his development of his classification system.
  • Place animals into given groups based on certain characteristics.
  • Design a wolf-like creature with a specific set of characteristics.
  • Name and model (using playdough in Petri dishes) types of microorganism.
  • Set up an investigation into harmful microorganisms.
  • Complete descriptions on the characteristics of groups of organisms, using images as prompts.



In art, we will be exploring the works of English-born, street artist Banksy. We will discuss what graffiti is, debate whether it is a form of vandalism and begin creating individual works of art based on current affairs. The children will also organise an exhibition of their work (possibly virtual).


 Religious Education


During our RE sessions, we’ll be thinking about ‘What do Christians believe Jesus did to ‘save’ people?’

They will sequence events in Holy week in the gospel of Mark 14-15 and explore the meaning behind Jesus dying to save us.  The children will finally explore the Christian belief that Jesus died as a sacrifice to save people from sin.



‘We are connected’ is our topic this half term.  During the topic, the children will learn about appropriate rules or guidelines for a civil online discussion and how search results are selected and ranked. They will learn how to argue their point effectively, supporting their views with sources and how to counter someone else’s argument while showing respect and tolerance. They will consolidate their understanding of how to judge the reliability of an online source and develop some strategies for dealing with online bullying.

By the end of the unit, most pupils will be able to achieve the following statements:

  • recognise the importance of respect and tolerance in online discussions
  • explain how search results are selected and ranked
  • write a post on a given topic, justifying their argument
  • respond to points made in others’ posts
  • evaluate the credibility of a source
  • suggest what a pupil might do if being bullied



In PE, Y6 will take part in ‘Boot Camp’. They will learn how to prepare the body for exercise and understand what fitness means. They will then complete circuits, which focus on balance, co-ordination and stamina.


Invaders will be our second PE unit where they will begin to understand the basic rules of tag rugby.




In year 6, children still need to read lots! All children are expected to read at home most nights for 25 – 30 minutes either to themselves or with an adult. This could be their school Accelerated Reader book, listening to a story read by someone else or sharing a favourite book. All are equally valuable. Talking about what they have read is also vital to help develop comprehension skills. This is particularly beneficial to the children when completing their Accelerated Reader quizzes.  All children have a reading record book in which parents, carers or the children themselves can record what they have read or make any comments.


In addition, children all have access to Times Tables Rockstars, and Maths Whizz online sites for practising their weekly times tables and weekly spellings.   Please encourage your child to learn their spellings and times tables regularly – five or ten minutes a day is more beneficial than an hour once a week.


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.


Many thanks for all your continued support.