Year 6


Year 6 class is taught by Mrs Claire Merrifield and

Mrs Caroline Dinham (Friday only)

Teaching and learning is supported by Mrs R Cuttler



Y6 Lanner Matrix 1 overview (1)


Autumn Term 2 2024


Let’s go back in time to the WW2 (1939- 1945) and begin to understand the impact of WW1 and how it led to WW2. We will explore how it impacted upon Britain and the rest of the world.


Reading will be taught daily through our core text: ‘Goodnight Mister Tom’ by Michelle Magorian. Our non-fiction text is ‘The Missing’, written by Michael Rosen.


During our writing sessions, we will learn about a range of genres as we immerse ourselves in this book and it’s incredibly rich vocabulary and content. These writing opportunities will include a recount of a night in an air- raid shelter, we’ll read some of Anne Frank’s biography with the intention of writing Winston Churchill’s and we’ll also look at some poignant war poetry.


As mathematicians, we will be learning and applying a wide range of maths skills, including revisiting the four written and mental calculation methods as part of our additional daily fluency time.

For the large majority of term, we’ll focus on fractions: simplifying and finding equivalent fractions; converting mixed numbers and improper fractions; adding and subtracting fractions and finally multiplying and dividing fractions.


In history, we will be investigating the question, ‘How WW1 led to WW2 and what were the consequences?’

We will first examine what led up to WW2. We then deduce what life was like evacuees. To research this, the children will examine a range of primary and secondary sources, looking closely for bias. To conclude our learning the children will look at how Jews were treated. We will discuss Kinder-transport, Kristallnacht and briefly discuss the holocaust. Discussions about the persecution of Jews will be treated extremely sensitively with the children.

We will also undertake a local study whereby the children will explore a range of sources about a dreadful air raid that hit Penryn in 1941, exploring the damage it caused and the impact it had on one local family. During the exploration, they will make connections between local and international events. They will then look at copies of original archive material and will be encouraged to extract information – introducing them to authentic historical research.



Our science topic will be ‘Light’. The lessons are sequenced below:

  1. We are learning to understand how we see things.
  2. We are learning to explain how light is reflected.
  3. We are learning to investigate the effects of refraction.
  4. We are learning to investigate how a prism changes a ray of light.
  5. We are learning to investigate how light enables us to see colours.
  6. I can explain why shadows have the same shape as the object that casts them.


In art, we will be exploring the works of a WW2 artist: Henry Moore. The children will learn how to analyse and infer meaning from each piece and then have an opportunity to replicate, innovate and invent their own in each individual style.

Religious Education

During our RE sessions, we’ll be thinking about For Christians, what kind of king is Jesus? 

This unit of works is about trying to transform the world. What problems does the world have?

What would a better world would be like?



During our computing sessions, we study a unit called ‘We are connected’. The children will explore computer networks, including the internet. In this unit, they will learn and understand the following concepts:

  •        about appropriate rules or guidelines for a civil online discussion
  •        how search results are selected and ranked
  •        how to argue your point effectively, supporting their views with sources
  •        how to counter someone else’s argument while showing respect and tolerance
  •        some strategies for dealing with online bullying.


Every Tuesday and Wednesday, the children will be asked to come into school wearing their ‘Lanner’ PE kit.

‘Mighty Movers ‘: We will be learning to use balances, kicks, jabs and punches in a body combat style unit.  The children will learn stamina, precision and technique in these routines set to music.

‘Dynamic Dance’ will be our second unit- linked to street dance. The children will follow choreography, moves and poses and then move on to create their own routines.

Bikeability will also take place- sometimes instead of discrete PE lesson. This will be taught by a trained professional in ability groups.


In French, ‘ On mange!’ will be our Rigolo unit this term. The children will learn how to ask for food items in a shop and how much they cost. They will then go on to give opinions about food and party activities.

Home learning

In Year 6, children still need to read lots! All children are expected to read at home most nights for 20 – 30 minutes either to themselves or with an adult. This could be their school Accelerated Reader book, listening to a story read by someone else or sharing a favourite book. All are equally valuable. Talking about what they have read is also vital to help develop comprehension skills. This is particularly beneficial to the children when completing their Accelerated Reader quizzes.  All children have a reading record book in which parents, carers or the children themselves can record what they have read or make any comments.

In addition, children all have access to Times Tables Rockstars, Maths Whizz and Spelling Shed – online sites for practising their times tables and spellings.   Please encourage your child to learn their spellings and times tables regularly – five or ten minutes a day is likely to be more beneficial than an hour once a week.


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions you may have.

Many thanks for all your continued support.