Year 5
The Y5 class is taught by Mrs Tamsin Pulley. Teaching and Learning is supported by Mrs Zoe Kalber and Mrs Alison Osborne.
Please contact us via the school office if you have any questions.
Our topic for this term is ‘Viking Invasion’.
To inspire our curriculum learning, we are reading ‘The 1000 year old Boy’ by Ross Welford and ‘Viking Voyagers’ by Jack Tite.
Using the book, ‘The 1000 year old Boy’, and ‘Viking Voyagers’ as our inspiration, we will explore narratives, learning about how characters and settings can be described and developed. We will write non-chronological reports about the Vikings and historical recounts about the Battle of Hastings.
This half term, our learning will continue to focus on decimals and converting between fractions to decimals and percentages. Following this, we will learn about Perimeter and Area, then Statistics.
This half term, we will continue to learn about materials and investigate different ways in which they can be changed. We will learn about separating mixtures, including recovering solids from a solution. We will learn about reversible and irreversible changes, including when chemical changes occur.
We will learn about Britain at the time of the Viking invasions and the subsequent struggle for power between the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons. We will look into what made Alfred the Great so great and learn about the events leading up to the Battle of Hastings and the impact of it on Britain.
Linked to our reading and history, we will learn about the people who were known as ‘Vikings’, where they came from as well as where they went to. We will explore where and why they settled in England.
This term we are learning about Christianity, focusing on how Christians use the idea of ‘What would Jesus do?’ when making choices about how to live their lives. We will learn about stories from the Gospels including the The Sermon on the Mount and the Parable of the Two Builders.
Children will have two PE sessions each week – please make sure your child wears their PE kit in school every Tuesday and Thursday. If they wish, your child may wear leggings or jogging trousers to wear instead of shorts for outdoor PE. For safety reasons, all watches and jewellery must be removed for PE lessons. If your child wears earrings, they must be able to remove them independently or cover them with medical tape. Please send medical tape in with your child if needed. Alternatively, it may be easier to leave earrings at home on PE days.
This term we will be developing the knowledge and skills needed to play a range of invasion games and we will also work together on orienteering activities.
The children will continue to learn about online safety. We will also focus on learning about Flat File databases, how to use and search them and their application in real life situations.
This term we will be learning to listen to, appraise and respond to a range of musical styles. Our musical focus will be on ‘texture’ which refers to the layers of sound you hear in a piece of music. Styles of music have different textures so we will explore how voices and instruments combine to create texture in music.
We will be exploring Viking art, in the form of knot work and animal designs. We will create our own designs which we will then make in the form of a relief clay tile.
During this half term, the children will be learning about different aspects of life using LifeWise PSHE. We will learn about the Law and Parliament, the NHS and Freedom of Speech and Movement.
In year 5, children still need to read lots! All children are expected to read at home most nights for 15 – 20 minutes either to themselves or with an adult. This could be their school Accelerated Reader book, listening to a story read by someone else or sharing a favourite book. All are equally valuable. Talking about what they have read is also vital to help develop comprehension skills. This is particularly beneficial to the children when completing their Accelerated Reader quizzes. All children have a reading record book in which parents, carers or the children themselves can record what they have read or make any comments.
In addition, children all have access to Times Tables Rockstars, and Maths Whizz – online sites for practising their times tables and maths skills Please encourage your child to practise their times tables regularly – five or ten minutes a day is likely to be more beneficial than an hour once a week.