Year 3 class is taught by Miss Button and learning is supported by Mrs Wilkes (Mon,Tues) and Miss Roberts (Wed-Fri).
Please come and see us if you have any questions or concerns.
The Boy Who Grew Dragons
Spring 2 2025
This term we are looking to the mythical world of Dragons! When Tomas discovers a strange old tree at the bottom of his grandad’s garden, he doesn’t think much of it. But he takes the funny fruit from the tree back into the house – and gets the shock and delight of his life when a tiny dragon hatches! Reading will be taught through our core text: ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’ by Andy Shepherd.
We will be studying our core text, ‘The Boy Who Grew Dragons’. Children will have the opportunity to first learn the story, then they will be able to adapt it themselves. We will then be looking at life cycles and writing an explanation text to explain life cycles of plants for our non-fiction writing.
As mathematicians, for the first three weeks we will be focussing on the first section of fractions looking at unit and non-unit fractions and then we will more onto looking at mass and capacity.
In Science, we will identify and describe the functions of different parts of flowering plants: roots, stem/trunk, leaves and flowers. We will move onto explore the requirements of plants for life and growth (air, light, water, nutrients from soil, and room to grow) and how they vary from plant to plant. Later on in the term, we will investigate the way in which water is transported within plants.
Children will have two PE sessions each week – please make sure your child has their PE kit in school every Wednesday which will be orienteering this half term and Thursday (swimming).
Year 3 will continue with their French lessons this term.
In year 3, children need to read as much as possible. All children are expected to read at home most nights for 10 – 15 minutes either to themselves or with an adult. This could be their school reading book, listening to a story read by someone else or sharing a favourite book. All are equally valuable. All children have a reading record book in which parents, carers or the children themselves can record what they have read or make any comments.
In addition, children all have access to Times Tables Rockstars, an online site for practising their times tables.
We love reading at Lanner! Reading to, and with, your child is one of the greatest gifts you can give as a love for reading will ensure your children becomes a reader for life. Research shows that reading and talking to your child about stories, information books and poems from an early age benefits them for life.
Sometimes, knowing which book to choose can be a little confusing with such a wide range available, so why not have a look at the recommended reads below for Year 3 children. Many of these books are also available at the local library so, if you’re not already a member, why not take a look at the link below to join up?