Special Educational Needs
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), and Inclusion
Lanner is an inclusive school that welcomes all children. We aim to inspire our pupils with a rich, diverse and hands on curriculum. Our inclusive ethos means we value each and every individual child and family and have high expectations of everyone in our care.
Our dedicated staff personalise learning in order to meet the needs of all children in our care. But at times, children may require additional support, either short or long term, to make progress and fulfill their potential. Our Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo), Mrs Caroline Dinham, is passionate about supporting children and their families to ensure that individual needs are met, and your child can thrive and enjoy their learning. Please do make an appointment to see her if you need any help or advice; by working together we can provide the best support for your child.
SEND Aims and Objectives
- to enable all children to access a broad and balanced curriculum
- to allow all children access to the National Curriculum at their level
- to ensure the SEN of pupils are identified, provided for and monitored
- to identify the roles and responsibilities of staff in providing for pupils’ SEN
- to ensure all children, with or without SEN and or Disabilities, are able to develop a sense of self-esteem and feel that they can make a positive contribution to the school’s community
- to make clear the expectations of all partners in the process
If you feel that you would like to speak to Caroling Dinham, our SENCO, please contact the office to arrange an appointment on 01209 216346 or email on lannersenco@croftymat.org
For additional information regarding special educational needs please go to the SEN Support page in the Parents tab.
SEND Pupil Voice
To ensure that all SEND children make progress and fulfill their potential we undertake termly monitoring to capture pupil voice. Here are some of the amazing comments that our SEND pupils have made about their school and the help and support they receive.