
Our vision for oracy is for our children to be confident and motivated individuals who can effectively collaborate and communicate with others in order to thrive academically, socially and emotionally in school, and throughout their lives.

At Lanner Primary School we value oracy as the ability to articulate ideas, develop understanding and engage with others through spoken language. In school, we see oracy as a vital tool for learning-speaking and listening skills are critical foundations for reading and writing. By teaching pupils to become more effective speakers and listeners, we empower them to understand themselves better, each other and the world around them. Additionally, research indicates the vital role oracy plays in education and further life opportunities.

  • Students with better oral language skills are more likely to achieve the highest grades
    in GCSE Maths, English and Science.
  • Young people with good communication skills are less likely to have mental health
  • Oracy helps students flourish in further education, higher education and employment.                                                                                                                            (Voice 21 Impact Report 2022-23)

The case for oracy in schools is becoming increasingly recognised.  At Lanner, we are working with the national charity, Voice 21, to explicitly look at how learning to talk and through talk are better understood. The benefits, now evidenced, show that oracy is the key to unlocking attainment; close an equity gap and prepare pupils for adult life. At Lanner, we empower children to confidently use their voice for success in school, in their relationships and in their future lives.