Key Priorities

Priority 1 – Continue to enhance writing across the whole curriculum offering children a broad and varied opportunity to apply and develop as writers.

Priority 2 – Continue to manage and develop curriculum leads knowledge and responsibility for their curriculum area whilst promoting self-well being and development.

Priority 3 – Ensure our reading approach continues to develop all readers in particular the lowest 20%.

Priority 4 – Ensure catch up provision is targeted and directed.

A) Maths: To ensure that currently lower attaining pupils – based on end of Y1 and KS1 data- make good or better progress this academic year.

Lanner Primary School – 2020 / 2021 

Priority 1 – Embed and deliver a high quality, literature based, progressive curriculum that secures high quality outcomes for all pupils.

Priority 2 – Effective use of assessment to fine tune whole class provision and target provision for individuals to ensure accelerated progress is made and gaps are filled.

Priority 3 – Effectively manage staff and pupil wellbeing.

Lanner Primary & Nursery School SDP 2019 / 2020

Priority 1 – To further develop the consistency of quality first teaching so that provision is effectively targeted at individuals to make accelerated progress.

Priority 2 – Ensure that children with special educational needs receive a robust and tailored provision thus achieving the highest possible levels of progress.

Priority 3 – Embed a vocabulary rich learning culture to enable children to access a wide and varied curriculum.