
It’s important to stay safe online both inside and outside of school. Every child in school must abide by the Acceptable Use policy which states:
Every time you log on to a computer in school, you are agreeing to follow these rules:
• I will be ‘safe and secure.’
• I will only use appropriate websites, directed by my teacher.
• I will report any inappropriate use to an adult immediately.
• I will not accept or click on something that is inappropriate or makes me upset of worried.
• I will care for equipment and tell an adult if any equipment is broken or not working.
• If a device doesn’t seem to work properly, I will tell an adult straight away.
• I will only use other people’s equipment respectfully and only with their permission.
We Do Not Tolerate Cyber Bullying—If you think you are a victim of cyber bullying you must tell an adult straight away.