At Lanner Primary School we believe that all of our pupils can achieve in PE. We aim to provide a broad and balanced curriculum which is relevant to and widens the experiences of our children. We do this in order to prepare our children for the challenges they will face and to inspire a love of knowledge, learning and life. The intent of our PE curriculum is to provide all children with high quality PE and sport provision. It is our vision for every pupil to succeed and achieve their potential as well as leading physically active and healthy lifestyles. We aim to ensure all of our children leave primary school physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. Following the process of trying, attempting, failing and succeeding is essential in ensuring our children become physically literate and translates across all aspects of life.


In order to fulfil our curriculum intent, ensuring that all children are provided with high quality PE and sport provision, we aim to ensure that our PE lessons are both progressive and engaging. We deliver this through The `Champions` PE scheme. Champions is a Sports, Fitness and Health programme for Years 1 to 6 and our Foundation Stage Unit provides the basic skills needed as a precursor to this. It is an holistic approach to the teaching of PE, which improves fitness, develops skills and deepens knowledge of health and wellbeing.

Each year group is taught two hours of high quality PE a week, either by their teacher or a teaching assistant who works with the class. Each week, one lesson will focus on sports specific skills and one will focus on improving and maintaining fitness. The Champions lessons which focus on health are taught in the whole school Sports and Health Week, in the Summer Term.

National Curriculum

We meet National Curriculum expectations for PE through our use of the Rising Stars Champions PE Scheme and children in both Key Stages also access swimming lessons to ensure they meet the minimum requirement at the end of KS2.

Our curriculum is further enriched through children taking part in PE events and competitions, which take place in a host of different locations around our area. Children’s skills, abilities and talents are enriched by providing opportunities to showcase the talents of those who are Gifted and Talented, and build up the skills and confidence of our Disadvantaged pupils, who may otherwise not have such opportunities.

During our Summer Term each year, we hold Sports Days where families and carers are invited to share and celebrate the success of our children and their talents in sport. Children complete a range of activities both competitively and non-competitively. This usually forms the finale of our annual ‘Sports and Health Week’ where we spend an entire week focusing on sports and the importance of leading a healthy, active lifestyle. Throughout this week, children have access to workshops delivered by highly trained professionals in a range of different sporting fields, as well as working with different teachers from across the school who deliver an area of physical activity they are passionate about!

Impact and Assessment

There is assessment for learning built into Champions units, across the three strands- body management, locomotor skills and object control. Teachers will assess during teaching to adapt teaching to the needs of pupils. Support or extension is suggested in the scheme to support learners of all abilities.

The FMS are the underlying movements or precursor of patterns to the more specialised, complex skills used in play, games, sports, dance, gymnastics, outdoor education and physical recreation activities. The Fundamental movement skills are best categorised into three skill categories: Body management, Loco-motor skills and Object control.

Body Management– involves balancing the body in stillness and in motion.

Locomotor Skills– involves transporting the body in any direction from one point to another.

Object Control– requires controlling implements or object either by hand or foot.