Curriculum Overview

The why behind our Lanner Curriculum

Below is a table that summarises the how and ‘why’ behind our vocabulary rich, book led curriculum.  The vast majority of subjects are linked to a class book(s).  These are the three main reasons behind this decision.

1)       Memory and Learning:

Learning is at least in part defined as a change in long-term memory. As Sweller and others have pointed out, ‘if nothing in the long-term memory has been altered, nothing has been learned’.

2)      Reading:

If pupils cannot read, they will not be able to access the curriculum, and will be disadvantaged for life.

3)      Vocabulary:

Research suggests a strong relationship between vocabulary and social background.

Action Reason
1)      Initial planning: Drawing on expertise in specific subject areas,  the National Curriculum has been broken down into small steps.  From there, sequential lessons have been planned to work towards these ends.  . Curriculum Design


2)      Children are given Vocabulary and Knowledge Mats at the start of each half term.  These highlight the key learning points as well as the vocabulary needed to access the learning. Cognitive Load


3)      Every lesson starts with a reflection of previous learning to ensure key points have stuck and learning is then built upon throughout the lesson. Cognitive Load


Elaboration process

4)      At the end of a ‘unit’ of learning children will be assessed to ascertain if the knowledge has stuck.  This assessment takes different low stake formats. Misconceptions immediately addressed. Cognitive Load


Retrieval process

5)      Recap sessions.  Prior to starting a new ‘unit’ of learning – children recap on previous half terms learning.  This again takes the form of a low stake assessment.. ie drawing on tables, mind mapping.  Misconceptions addressed, then links and skills made as new unit is introduced. Cognitive Load


Distributed practice

Elaboration process


Retrieval process

6)      The final layer:  Has Key knowledge stuck?  Can children recall Knowledge from previous learning?   Using models and images children have to recall key knowledge, retrieving information from their long their long-term memory. Cognitive Load


Retrieval Process

Our curriculum. The Why…

At Lanner, we work hard and continue to develop and address areas to match the needs of our learners.  We plan our curriculum around the children’s interests whilst ensuring it meets the formal requirements of the National Curriculum. Our aim is to deliver a rigorous and fun program of study which will challenge and engage our pupils and foster a love of learning. We pride ourselves on giving children the best possible chance in life: enriching their education, as well as developing personal skills such as independence, creativity, cooperation and confidence.

Intent:  We plan our curriculum through carefully selected fiction and non-fiction texts.  Our curriculum has been carefully pieced together, working collaboratively with our partner schools in the MAT, drawing on areas of expertise and breaking each curriculum area down into small sequential steps.  We start at an end point, using the national curriculum to lead the learning objectives as well as ensuring full coverage is met.  Our highly skilled staff here at Lanner, have then carefully weaved the sequential steps of learning together with the class book for that half term. This gives the children a wide skills and knowledge base curriculum that is moulded around high level language, vocabulary and literacy.  It is an ambitious and challenging curriculum that the children flourish in and can relate to.  We aspire to create a love for learning, language and literacy. We promote characteristics of effective learning to ensure knowledge and skills stick. This is vital for children to build on the next stage or step of their learning.  We draw on our local links making the most of our beautiful area ensuring children have a sense of pride and belonging as well as ensuring children get to taste and experience different cultures.

Implementation: Please see below for additional information regarding this year’s curriculum plan. In addition there is further information under the ‘Pupils’ section of this website that gives a more detailed breakdown of individual year groups. Children’s interests are drawn upon when planning our ‘themes’; personalising learning wherever possible.  Appropriate novels and stories are then carefully selected: taking into consideration the age of the children; repetition of story structures; modern and classic literature and of course engagement levels.  Our literacy team work in partnership with our curriculum team to ensure all these above areas are met. Teachers are passionate about their ‘themes’ and have been given an element of freedom when planning them. Drawing upon their own areas of expertise and passion and linking it with the children’s. Each new theme will be launched with an ‘Entry Point’ – or a hook.  This is vital, as it will bring the learning alive for the children and motivate them to want to learn more (making learning experiences more authentic and it gives them a purpose to write).  Lessons will be engaging and purposeful – utilizing the indoor and outdoor environment.  There will be a continual review of the curriculum by the senior leadership team, teachers and of course, the pupils’ voice.

Impact: Please refer to KS2 performance under the ‘Statutory’ section of this website. Our main aim is for the children to enjoy writing and write for a genuine purpose.  They will have a wide range of opportunities to learn – in all areas of the curriculum, be it history, science, art or DT.   Building upon the characteristics of effective learning in EYFS, children will be able to take on challenges, persevere through them and understand themselves as learners.  Learning will be recorded in ‘Learning Journeys’ (a book that captures writing, science, art, history, geography, art, etc. all in the one place), thus modelling our literacy based, themed approach to our curriculum. Maths will be recorded in separate books – due to the nature of the subject – however, we endeavor to incorporate applied maths in our Learning Journeys also.  Again, our maths team are passionate about the curriculum and ensure children understand how maths is everywhere in the world.  The overall impact will be that children will enjoy an engaging, challenging and purposeful curriculum.

Please feel free to explore our Facebook page and this website to see for yourself.  Alternatively, why not make an appointment where you can have a personal guided tour of the school and see some of the children’s learning in person.

Please see below our planned out reading journey for each year group.

Reading Journey EYFS

Reading Journey Yr1 to 6